Jim wanting to be taken seriously as a poet

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Jim wanting to be taken seriously as a poet

Post by djmartins »

I have always been blown away that he was so hung up on being taken seriously as a poet instead of a rock star.
Fact is, he got his poetry out to MILLIONS of people because of the Doors.
He essentially took poetry to the next level in a way no one had quite pulled off before.
Did no one else see it this way?
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Post by vince »

Peotry - What is it. What should be considered as poetry. A poet is Walt Whitman, Robert Frost, Shakspeare and many similar men and women who have written memorable works.

Jim wanted to be a film maker after departing film school without graduating. He wanted to be a poet but much of his writing were nonsense rather than obscure. Lyrics for his songs - that he actually wrote - can be in most cases considered poetic were they devoid of music. But then so would the works of many songwriters but they are not considered "Poets" as such.

I don't know where Jim got this idea that he was sucha profound writer just because he wrote down his thoughts and concepts in a sort of absure, sometimes rhyming style. He took some interest in the style of E.E. Cummins - whose works, I think, should be consigned to the trash bin for all it's worth.

Peotry has a form, style, a format that makes it Poetry. No one said what you have to write must confrom but rather, how you write it. Free Verse is a war of conveying ideas and emotions. It is not really poetry. Why Jim craved so to be a Poet? Who knows. The grass is always greener.... After several major drug incidents I feel strongly that his well-spring of inspiration went dry. The material he produced after 1969 was way inferior to that which came before.

In any case, Jim wrote some interesting pieces. He self-published much of this and other material was published for purely financial considerations. As for being a "Great Poet" - this is pure idolatry, hero worship. WHomever suggested this has not read Browning, Front and so many others who left us with magnificent works describing emotions and experiences that really do conform to the concepts of Poetry.

To be honest - Jim didn't know what he wanted aside from alcohol and some serious drugs. Had he dedicated himself to being the Lead Singer for the Doors and leading a reasonable life, he would be alive today, the doors would be making periodic anniversary performances and I would not be in Korea.

That's just the beginning, There would not be a lonesome cowboy, a claimant to his liniage, Jim is alive cults, and well worn paths in a distant graveyard.

What more can I say.
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Post by MortSahlFan »

vince wrote:Peotry - What is it. What should be considered as poetry. A poet is Walt Whitman, Robert Frost, Shakspeare and many similar men and women who have written memorable works.

Jim wanted to be a film maker after departing film school without graduating. He wanted to be a poet but much of his writing were nonsense rather than obscure. Lyrics for his songs - that he actually wrote - can be in most cases considered poetic were they devoid of music. But then so would the works of many songwriters but they are not considered "Poets" as such.

I don't know where Jim got this idea that he was sucha profound writer just because he wrote down his thoughts and concepts in a sort of absure, sometimes rhyming style. He took some interest in the style of E.E. Cummins - whose works, I think, should be consigned to the trash bin for all it's worth.

Peotry has a form, style, a format that makes it Poetry. No one said what you have to write must confrom but rather, how you write it. Free Verse is a war of conveying ideas and emotions. It is not really poetry. Why Jim craved so to be a Poet? Who knows. The grass is always greener.... After several major drug incidents I feel strongly that his well-spring of inspiration went dry. The material he produced after 1969 was way inferior to that which came before.

In any case, Jim wrote some interesting pieces. He self-published much of this and other material was published for purely financial considerations. As for being a "Great Poet" - this is pure idolatry, hero worship. WHomever suggested this has not read Browning, Front and so many others who left us with magnificent works describing emotions and experiences that really do conform to the concepts of Poetry.

To be honest - Jim didn't know what he wanted aside from alcohol and some serious drugs. Had he dedicated himself to being the Lead Singer for the Doors and leading a reasonable life, he would be alive today, the doors would be making periodic anniversary performances and I would not be in Korea.

That's just the beginning, There would not be a lonesome cowboy, a claimant to his liniage, Jim is alive cults, and well worn paths in a distant graveyard.

What more can I say.
Thank you for telling it like you see it. I've spent a good amount of time reading you, and its not just "older" people who have been sick of this sell-phone zombie nonsense. I was born in the early 80s, yet, 99% of the few things I love (music, movies, comedy) was created BEFORE I was born.
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