For Michael: Media reviews of LoVe

Michael Stuart-Ware (drummer on LoVE's classic albums Da Capo and Forever Changes) and Johnny Echols (lead guitarist and co-founder of LoVE) have joined us here on the Forum to answer your questions about their time with LoVE.At this moment they are not active as members and are not answering questions but I'm proud to have them both aboard at The Freedom Man Forum!

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For Michael: Media reviews of LoVe

Post by silentseason »


A couple of questions regarding the media response to Da Capo and Forever Changes.

1) Did you ever really follow the printed word reviews (newspaper and magazines) of the two albums at the the time of their release very closely or was it something that you didn't put much stock into?

2) Did you think the reviews at that time were fair?

3) What is your opinion regarding the fact that alot of the media has hoisted Forever Changes to one of greatest albums of all time? For example, my would be "That's great....too bad it took you 30-40 years to come to this conclusion".

Again, thanks for you time in answering these questions.
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