Hey all from (CANCELLED) 04/26/69 Tour Stop

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Hey all from (CANCELLED) 04/26/69 Tour Stop

Post by YoungDoorKnob67 »

Hello all! Just a quick intro in this my only 2nd ever online music/artist forum I've been a dedicated fan of enough to join. My name is Derek and I've been a mild doors fan for oh about a decade now. What funnily enough already feels like a lifetime and I just having turned the ripe old age of 25 three weeks ago =)

The Doors and Jim have been just such a calming and zen force in my life that has only better and deepened myself as a person and individual. While being such a guiding light in this ever increasing and troubled world and life we all lead. Coming back to the music more often all the time is as much a support as it is a constant force for inspiration and ambition. It was only a matter of time as I grew older that with the increased resources and knowledge that I would truly drown myself in the fandom as I very much currently am!

Most of my life I had only the excellent Perception box set by my side and only now am truly getting into collecting memorobilia and the music on all formats and versions. Just now only opening the pandoras box of vinyl period; snapping up the modern pressings and whatever original old pressings I can find until I can nab my own of that beautiful analog productions vinyl box set! :D :wink: I'm also fascinated by the scarcity of the 8 tracks (and players themselves!) and the cassettes I can spin in my newly purchased summer trailer with its built in tape deck haha.

If there is a go to most comprehensive list of all the audio versions and formats I could be directed to besides discogs maybe? or the steve hoffmam forums? It'd be hugely appreciated! As well as any general other multimedia lists so I can spend more of the rest of this short life enjoying the library of material left to us instead of wasting it all hunting and pecking on the likes of eBay, YouTube and Google.

I've already read such great articles and opinions and experiences here in a SINGLE night than I have anywhere in my time as a fan. So many cool cats with a lifetime of knowledge and recollections I could only really hope to get a vicarious sense and mirage of now over 50 years later. Double what I've been kicking around this dirtball for haha.

Couldn't be happier to be here and hope to be for until the end. Thanks for the instant mod approval as well!
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Re: Hey all from (CANCELLED) 04/26/69 Tour Stop

Post by TheDoorsMusic »

Welcome, Derek!
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