Come, to Never-Never Land

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Come, to Never-Never Land

Post by five2one »

My friends are all sleeping
It is Night
Everybody else
Thinks is day

You must have your glasses on correctly
Or, you won't see
The Sirens are not sleepy

Remember when...
Remember when
We tried to save the world
Back before
Michael blowed his horn

Things Heaven sees...

And the day, is all sleepy

'We lost'
'The war is over'

Or so, we let it begin...

Oh 'Lizard King', what fiction did you invent
With your cross & your lament?

That bad Satan, we had to invent

'What are these two, you do not know?'
'I do not know'
The two golden pipes & two trees
Annointed equals Messiah
In hebrew
Christ, in Greek

Come with me, Wendy
Out the window
Peter Pan, is not dead
Rumors of his death
Are much exaggerated

Remember when
We were gonna change the world?
I had a backup plan
Me and my imaginary

Remember when
People could see you

Remember when
Our hearts were alive
The future was now
And we were there

They don't believe me

'Impossible claims need Impossible evidence'

Don't worry, Wendy & Peter & Tom
We have your back
Your 360

We are all Santa Claus here
With jagged claws & ninja

'Do you want to see something really scary?'

How about

the resurrection of the dead

We never were joking, my friend

We had backup, all along

Walk into the lost vegas bar
Just past all the people
You see him, talking
With his no good friends

We are all undercover
Blackops mission

Everyone in here
Is wearing a disguise
With endless funding

The real trick
Was taking away faith
And making love cold
To actually get you to really believe
Immortality was not a thing

And right when things seem worst of all?

Then, the curtain will drop

They come to you as a mere singer of love songs
But, they will know
A Prophet was among you

Quote. Unquote.


She says. He says. I say.

'The game is all rigged, and the dice are loaded'

Is the architect mad & the engineer sad

We are good

We outwitted
Hope and Faith and Love, hope and faith will be obsolete, but never love -- Me . Just kidding. Hope & Faith & Love. Forever. (I lied to Paul, or my Angel did... I forget... hehehe... I invented joking & poker. Just don't tell the girls...
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