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Beat-Club 1972
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:21 am
by Porsche
Hi Bobby Ray,
Thanks for coming to the forum and answering some questions about your time with The Doors. I was just preparing a DVD copy of the band's "Beat-Club" TV performance from 1972 and had two questions.
First, do you need a copy of the show? I've noticed some posts mentioning the fact that you hadn't heard the studio albums in a while, so I thought maybe you'd like to watch this gig as well. I'd be happy to send it to you.
And secondly, what are your thoughts of the performance? Do you remember anything particular about that day? It seems like the band was having a lot of fun.
Re: Beat-Club 1972
Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 6:56 am
by jim4371
Porsche wrote:
First, do you need a copy of the show? I've noticed some posts mentioning the fact that you hadn't heard the studio albums in a while, so I thought maybe you'd like to watch this gig as well. I'd be happy to send it to you.
Hey, cool, that was on my list of things to send but I only have the mpeg-sourced version.

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 3:03 am
by The Royal Sperm
the beat club video is great! but the complete source nor circulate, your source have missing Good Rocking and some tunnings, i got the Audio source and you can note the diference
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 7:00 am
by Bobby Ray
Thank you for your kind offer. I might take you up on this but not now. As you may or may not know I just started to regain interest in my past. I feel very close to the music we made and the relationship I had with the doors for many years.
About your questions. Well I havn't heard or seen that performance in over 35 years so it's hard to reply to something that specific. But, thanks to some great people on this site that will soon change. When it does I will reply to your question again perhaps with more thoughts.
The doors and I were friends way before Jim passed. John and I went on many camping trips fishing for trout and Robbie and I went out of the doors boat fishing for yellowtail.
And we were having fun. In the states we were the doors without Jim in, Europe we were the Doors. It was fun.
Great question. Thank you, Bobby Ray
Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2007 5:56 pm
by Porsche
Thanks for the answer, Bobby Ray.
I'll probably be uploading my copy of the Beat-Club DVD to the Den for anyone who might be interested. I used the DCM's video source which came from The Royal Sperm and fixed up the audio. There was only sound in one channel when I received it.
About your complete audio source, is it in stereo or mono? All the video sources I've seen for Beat-Club are in mono. I don't have an audio copy of the show.
Also, does anyone know if "Good Rockin'" was just edited out of the 1995 rebroadcast or was it never aired?
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:23 am
by The Royal Sperm
as fas as i know (or people talks about) Good Rockin Wasn't broadcasted,
i'll check the audio and see if is stereo or mono, i cant remember
doors music
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 5:58 am
by Bobby Ray
I have only now heard the recordings of the European tour and can respond to questions I didn't know the answer to. If anyone is still out there write me.
Bobby Ray
Re: doors music
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:00 am
by jim4371
Bobby Ray wrote:I have only now heard the recordings of the European tour and can respond to questions I didn't know the answer to. If anyone is still out there write me.
Bobby Ray
I heard something about Jack Conrad in a bathtub..
What's the deal with that?
Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 6:34 am
by Bobby Ray
Jack and the bath room. I don't remenber which hotel the event took place but here's the story.
One morning on a travel day we were waiting in the lobby for our ride. Jack starting telling us of what happened last night. He was taking a shower. Durning that shower he sllipped and grabed for something to keep him from falling. What he grabbed was something I had seen before but, didn't know what it was. Well, it turned out to be a maid call for more towels. I had seen maids before in their linen rooms on each floor and I thought they were just doing whatever and would go home. But, that isn't what they were doing. What they were doing is waiting if a room pulled it's cord which mean ithe room needed more towels. So, while Jack was drying off the maid walked into the bathroom and found Jack with no clothes on. Now Jack is a big guy and there was alot to see.
He was very embarrassed by what happened. But last of all, I was surprised he told us because then no one would every know the story of Jack and the maid.
Bobby Ray
Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 12:35 am
by Roughie
Cool story. Wish Bobby would come back at some point and share more.
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:33 pm
by ManzaRek
Very very fun history, thanks a lot bobby ray!!!
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 10:28 pm
by thedoorsbootlegs
In youtube exist the performance,but i search this in dvd and not I found nothing
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 10:46 pm
by Roughie
thedoorsbootlegs wrote:In youtube exist the performance,but i search this in dvd and not I found nothing
There is a best of Beat Club 72 DVD, which just has one song from The Doors, Tightrope ride maybe? Can't remember sorry. You need a bootleg DVD to see all the Doors songs.
Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:13 pm
by thedoorsbootlegs
Roughie wrote:thedoorsbootlegs wrote:In youtube exist the performance,but i search this in dvd and not I found nothing
There is a best of Beat Club 72 DVD, which just has one song from The Doors, Tightrope ride maybe? Can't remember sorry. You need a bootleg DVD to see all the Doors songs. ... tails=1592