“A London diary of sorts (Day 3)”
August 30, 2003

The 9:00am Monday morning wake-up call came around 9:40, which left us little time to get ready. After showering and packing we were off to Heathrow to drop the band off at the airport and to drop Ringo and myself off at our mate, Richard Meehan’s flat just minutes from Heathrow. We said our goodbyes and then one of the drivers let us out by Richard’s. Ringo and I were very hungover and tried to eat at Mc Donald’s (bad idea) to sooth the pain. After dropping my gear off at the flat Ringo and I got a bus to the tube at Acton Town and then it was about a 40 minute sweaty tube ride to Tottenham Court.
We checked into our hotel (The Giles) and then walked over to Denmark street to rent an acoustic guitar for the 12 Bar show. I picked out a very nice Takamine and the guitar shop kept it at the 12 bar until soundcheck. From there Ringo and I hopped the tube to Notting Hill for the wacky Carnival. Although it was a bit fun (hungover, I wasn’t in the mood), I found the crowds and horse pooh all a bit too much. We went over to FIVEbucks for coffee (gee, they’re everywhere, huh?) and then decided to head back into central London for sound check. Hannah rung us up and was gonna stop by sound check.
The 12 Bar folks (bless their heart) didn’t have it together so we blew off sound check and went to a Chinese restaurant that Ringo suggested. I ordered something slimy but was still hungover so I didn’t touch much of it. Afterwords, we headed back to the 12 Bar and there was a nice small crowd. Jane, from the Isle of Man, had come with her hubby and brought me a wonderful book on her hometown. Hilary was there, as well as John Etherington and the usual LOVE POSSE suspects.
Also in attendance was LOVE FAN Jackie Barnes, whom is an e-mail buddy of mine; we basically go back and forth about politics. Well, she introduced herself to me and I had no idea she was a woman! I was kinda embarrassed and I hope I didn’t look stupid saying that! She’s really nice. Hey, I’m glad she’s not a bloke. The DJ from 104.4, Amber Don, who was to interview me and have me to a few songs on her radio show, “Is Black Music”, the following day, came over to hear me as well. She was very nice and hadn’t any knowledge of my music, as she was filling in for Art Terry who was still in Los Angeles. Amber was an ex patriot who was originally from the Fairfax district in L.A., which is just blocks from where I live now.
I stepped on stage about 9:30 and played nearly 12 songs. Forgot a few words but, all in all, I had a great time and the LOVE fans were so great to turn up. After the show we all hung out and there was Stella everywhere…it was like the land of Stella! Too bad Keith wasn’t around cause Hannah was saying how much fun they had at Canterbury and Keith IS the life of the party! The band that followed me, “Strange Things” did a neat cover song but gee I just can’t remember what tune it was. Took some Stellas to go and toasted a wonderful London night before falling into a sweet lull, dream-like and safe.
Mike Randle

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