“Moving on up”
July 14, 2003
Last night Cafe Largo hosted an amazing wake for our friend, Greg, who pasted away a few weeks ago. Greg didn’t want a regular funeral cause, well, Greg wasn’t a regular guy! All who attened were treated to free food, free drinks and free entertainment including:
1. a very funny performance by NAKED TRUCKER and T-BONE, which is a quasi-country/comedy group. By the way, the singer performs naked.
2. all-around musical genius, JON BRION, performed on guitar with comedian/actor (and TENACIOUS D madman) JACK BLACK. The two of them did the theme from Star Trek (which Jack sang the words to) and the theme from “The Jeffersons.”
3. local comedian, Paul F. Tomlison (frsh from losing his job on Bill Mayer’s new show), kept us in tears whenever he had the mic
4. Fionna Apple doing a song for Greg in that wonderful voice of hers.
Also, Greg’s brother gave a very special, endearing speech about his older bro, and (DRamarama singer) John Easdale and Dave Garza did a cool Talking Heads song. All in all, it was a very special night and, gee, thanks Greg, for thinking of your friends. Now, why wasn’t I booked? (just kiddin’, Greg.)
Tomorrow night I am going to the Troubadour (about a 5min ride from my house) to see the amazing CHEAP CHICK, which is an all-female Cheap Trick tribute band! My friend, Kristi, is the singer so I am very much looking forward to it. Stew is opening up the show so this is gonna be a lot of fun, no doubt. We get lucky here in this town in that, there are so many venues to perform in, whether it’s music, comedy or even crummy poetry; you can do it here, if you want to.
Mike Randle
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