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Mike Randle


A Diary Part Three!
October 8, 2004

After the Colorado show – a great show, by the way, and the people there were really cool, we all headed back to the hotel and the pool table in the bar. So, it’s the Zombie’s drummer and his brother Russ (keyboard tech) against Rusty and I. We mopped them, 2 games to nothing. At the end, a very merry Colin Blunstone tried to save them by almost making the winning shot but it didn’t. It rolled right to the hole and stopped. Then, thinking nobody was looking, he tried to knock it in with the stick, but I caught him. He offered me a free Colin Blunstone shirt for my efforts. After that, we all went to sleep. The next morning we did a long drive through the cornfields of Nebraska. The baseball playoff games helped but Daddyo was bummed that the Twins lost to the Yankees. We stopped in Omaha, and went to a steakhouse which was really good. I had chili. It was great. Then we drove to Minneapolis, did our soundcheck, saw Dave Green’s dad and one of his brothers. They loved tonight’s show which was really good. By the way, it’s worth mentioning that both Dave and Natalie Chapple and Daddyo and Tracy Green are expecting their first babies. (Editor’s Note: Man, is that LOVE or what?) In other news, Frasier still hasn’t shit on the bus.

Special Thanks to The New Guy

Mike Randle


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