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Mike Randle


One More Week!!!
July 24 2009

This tour is set to begin a week from today and I’m well excited about it! The set we’re doing is really great and fun and I’m sure there will be some cell phone you tubing. I think its also going to be cool to play with Jerry Miller, who’s an excellent guitarist.

We hope to see as many friends and fans as possible. I know Brad is flying in from Tampa to the Cleveland show (Brad, you should meet Fritz and his hooligans, Cleveland’s finest!) and our old pal (and one time guitar tech) Mike Fornitale will be at the Jersey show.

Toronto is meant to be the “unknown” factor, as we weren’t allowed in with Arthur and we receive SO many emails from fans in Ontario, Canada. Our street team (led by the magnificently fearless, Michelle D.) is rocking the posters and spreading the word. Michelle (along with long time Love friend/ Arthur’s tour filmer, the equally magnificent Tina Winter) have been on the Facebook & MySpace projects.

Our pal, Julie, is leading a team in Pittsburgh, as well as finding us a cool local band to open up, as we have a nice slot open for that show. We have friends in Chicago, Boston, Milwaukee…its great to have so many folks believe in what you’re trying to bring to people and people like Diane Lee have a lot of faith in us and its important to keep the music alive and viable and, as Johnny pointed out in a recent interview, its worth mentioning the importance of being able to SEE, HEAR and MEET someone who actually PLAYED on those records.

Mike Randle

baby lemonade

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