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Mike Randle


“LOVE vanity plates”
Oct 10, 2002

It’s been a few days since I did a diary entry, as I have been busy working on the new LOVE record and songs and stuff, so accept my apologies.things have been great.NEVER BETTER.and Liz Barnett (UK LOVE fan) e-mailed me to say she was in touch with SCULLY and that he’s fine, just a bit busy.so we can all sleep now. I, for one, was worried.

Although I don’t want to “tip our hand”, I think these (that we’re working on) are some of the SINGER’s best songs and ideas since the every early 70’s. The tunes are melodic, fun and meaningful. I think they are certainly worth waiting for and the SINGER is more than focused but in the “zone.” I think every LOVE fan will enjoy this music with every listen. And, although Gene has hinted before on the band “introducing” new songs on the previous tours, my guess is we’ll “bust out” some of these gems this winter.

Funny, but in Southern California, we get a lot of kooks with these stupid Vanity liscense plates that say things like, “SXYPORSH” or “IH8MYEX” or “IGOTMNY”. So I was thinking along the lines of “LRN2LOV” or “LVWALEE” or “7AND7IS” or “ANMRAGN” or “4VRCHGZ”. So, something to think about next time you feel like getting some new plates or something like that!

Mike Randle


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